Supply List

Below is a list of household materials that we will be using to create our STEM projects. If you are willing to donate any of the items listed, you can send them to the classroom with your child at any time throughout the year, ideally before fall break. Thank you in advance for helping our class collect these items for STEM:

– Cereal, shoe, and corrugated cardboard boxes

– paper towel and wrapping paper tubes

– balls (tennis, ping pong, racquet)

– pvc piping sections and joints (Please!)

– duct, scotch, painters, and masking tape

– clear plastic tubs and/or buckets

– glue guns and glue gun sticks

– zip and/or twist ties

– sandpaper

– rubber bands

– scrap pieces of cloth

– shoe strings, any string

– pipe cleaners

– wooden skewers

– paperclips               – brads                        – corks             – insulation tubing

– scissors                    – magnets                   – straws          – bubble wrap

– washers                   – dowels                      – gears            – shims